This platform was launched in partnership with the FAO/EU FLEGT programme as part of the Governing multifunctional landscapes in Sub-Saharan Africa: managing trade-offs between social and ecological impacts (GML) project, funded by the European Union. Abs-implementing countries: Six countries have concluded the FPA negotiations and are implementing their agreements with the EU: Cameroon,[9] Central African Republic,[10] Ghana,[11] Liberia, Indonesia,[12] Republic of Congo[13] While no country has yet started phlegt authorisations, two countries – Ghana and Indonesia – are on the verge of achieving this goal. [14] [15] A PDO aims to ensure that timber and timber products exported to the EU come from legal sources. The agreements also help timber-exporting countries end illegal logging by improving forest sector regulation and governance. A Voluntary Partnership Agreement (ABS) is a bilateral softwood lumber agreement between the European Union and a timber exporting country outside the EU. PCAs are a key element of the EU`s FLEGT Action Plan, which aims to combat illegal logging. . . .