
Our second trip after the first lockdown: a few rather cold summer days in Hamburg.
more...Our second trip after the first lockdown: a few rather cold summer days in Hamburg.
more...I had been to Hamburg a couple of times before, but I never really spent much time there. All of my visits were very brief, like hanging out a few hours at the bus station on a 24h trip from Copenhagen to Bern. Or just visiting for a few hours to see a football game. This time, though, we had four full days to really see things, do stuff, and – most of all – eat things. Four days still aren’t very long, but we had a terrific time and actually saw and did a ton of things. We rented a beautiful Airbnb apartment right next to Planten un Blomen park and very close to the bustling Karolinenviertel and alternative Sternschanze area.
more...It’s almost exactly a year ago now that we went to Munich (I’ve actually briefly been there twice since) and discovered the beautiful, unique Stereo Stereo Cafe. They serve most delicious food and drinks and they make THE most amazing Chai Latte in the world. Besides spending an hour or a few there every day throughout our visit, we visited the Pinakothek der Moderne, walked around the city freezing, and attended the Medientage München, a media conference and fair. Take a look…