Traveling Light 2018
When the tickets went live for this year’s Traveling Light, I didn’t hesitate and booked my spot as soon as possible. Traveling Light is a gathering for photographers passionate about film photography. I wrote a few words about it on this blog last year. This year’s event was even better! It was a perfect mix of inspiring keynote presentations held by speakers from all kinds of different styles and genres, workshops with some of the industry’s best and most experienced photographers, delicious food, a few parties, and a whole lot of side activities like a boat trip, a hike to a beautiful castle, or a wine tasting. But the most important part was meeting like-minded people – making new friends and seeing old ones, learning from each other, talking about photography, life, and whisky. After little over a year and just two episodes, Traveling Light has grown into an important meet-up for film photographers of every genre from all around Europe (and some other countries).
After almost a week of Traveling Light, I happened to be in Valencia for a few days and had the chance to finally visit the Carmencita‘s headquarters and say my final goodbyes for a while. The lab is really nice and its size is quite impressive, given that they started just a few years ago.
I didn’t shoot much this year. Actually, I didn’t shoot much last year, either. But here are some pictures, and a few more are missing because I didn’t finish the last roll in my Hasselblad before returning home.