

Leaving Colombia after a month, we flew from Bogotá to Cancún. We stayed in the city only long enough to go on an Isla Mujeres day trip, then moved on to spend the next two weeks eating our way through Quintana Roo and the Yucatán Peninsula. En route, we got to relax on some beautiful beaches, went diving and snorkelling with eagle rays and turtles and, of course, visited the famous ruins of Chichén Itzá and Ek’ Balam. It was a really wonderful time, even though my daypack was stolen after the first week in Playa del Carmen – a place we initially wanted to avoid.


An Ode to Bern

An Ode to Bern

Every time I return from a trip, I return to what I still believe is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I miss this place whenever I am away traveling, be it on paradisal beaches, in picturesque mountainous landscapes, or in the world’s most fascinating, bustling metropolises. This spectacular yet peaceful view of the city’s skyline with all the old housetops – the cathedral and the domes of the Bundeshaus standing out – in front of a seemingly endless chain of snowy Alps. It still takes my breath away over and over again after all these years and immediately evokes a feeling of home and belonging.




Buy prints from this post. We arrived in Oxford early evening and left the next day in the afternoon, so we were there for less than a day. Nevertheless, I like to think that we have seen quite a bit of what the city has to offer. We started off with some quite good pizza and a couple of delicious craft beers. Our guide was Seraina’s childhood friend Mirjam, who lives and studies in Oxford and had invited us to stay at her nice little apartment. The next morning, Mirjam and her boyfriend Adam took us to a restaurant to have some big and delicious breakfast. Later, we were able to have a look at some of the famous universities’ facilities, we visited the Museum of Natural History, we took walks through beautiful green gardens, […]




It was last October that Seraina and I went to London with college. Apart from attending Power To The Pixel and visiting Frieze Art Fair, we ate tons of good things, drank too much coffee and surprisingly little beer. We went shopping, visited galleries, museums, the beautiful Columbia Road Flower Market and the busy Brick Lane Market. The first few nights we lived in a wonderful Airbnb apartment in Shoreditch, before moving to a hotel with the other guys. On the following weekend we went to Oxford to visit a good friend of Seraina’s, before coming back to London for a day and visit Priya, whom I’d met in Gothenburg a year ago.


Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku, Azerbaijan

Yesterday, I have received three rolls of film’s scans from the amazing Carmencita Film Lab. And these guys did an amazing job, as they always do. On these rolls are photographs from many different places in five countries I have visited during the last couple of months. We’ll start with some photos from Azerbaijan’s capital Baku. I traveled to this bizarre dichotomy of modern architecture and rundown back alleys for a few days last summer to visit a football game. I was accompanied by my old Pentax K1000 and a roll of Superia X-tra 400, one of my favorite color negative films.


Copenhagen – Part 5: The Coffee Collective

Copenhagen – Part 5: The Coffee Collective

Finding decent coffee in Copenhagen is not too difficult a task. My intention was finding the best one though (which, admittedly, wasn’t all that hard either.) So here we go: The Coffee Collective, best coffee in Copenhagen.
They have three locations in the city, I first went to the Jægersborggade one. The café’s setting was simple yet cozy, everything was really focused on the coffee (although they did serve good breakfast too). They roast their coffee right in there for everyone to see.


Copenhagen – Part 1: Color

Copenhagen – Part 1: Color

Before heading home for a few days, I visited another wonderful Nordic city. I’ve been there a couple times before but I think I’d never spent as much time in restaurants and cafés as I did this time (let’s talk about this in a few days). I stayed at Sleep in Heaven hostel for the first time. It’s been recommended to me a couple times before so I was really curious about that place. It really was quite a nice low-budget accommodation in an otherwise expensive city, despite the three-level bunk beds that were sort of scary. It was situated next to a cozy park in a quiet neighborhood, where I took most of my photos.
