Marseille was a first in our adult lives. We had wanted to go for some time but for some reason, it had never been at the top of our lists. When the pandemic dictated us not to fly a whole lot, we finally took the trip. And we weren’t disappointed. The city’s architecture, its harbor, and «La Cité Radieuse» by the Swiss-French architect Corbusier were well worth the trip, not to mention the abundance of great restaurants, wine bars and discovering some new specialty coffee shops.

Even though the trip back to Bern is not too long, we added an extra stop in Lyon, which was conveniently located somewhere in the middle of our trip. The center of Lyon lies on a sort of peninsula between the two rivers Rhône and Saône, not unlike Bern, where the peninsula is formed by one river. The two large hills to the city’s west and north allow for great views. The city is packed with nice restaurants, too.