Hawaii 2018 – Part 2: Oahu

Hawaii 2018 – Part 2: Oahu

Before I’m diving into the Oahu part of our trip, the first picture here is that one photo I took on Maui. Oahu was our last destination on our 3.5-months-trip (not counting a 20-something-hour layover in LA). After having been to quite a number of beaches within the last few days on the Big Island, we didn’t need much beach time on Oahu. Instead, we did the short hike/walk up to the Diamond Head crater, where I took the same photo I’d taken two years ago. We ate a lot of delicious things (poké!) and (re)discovered some great coffee spots in Honolulu and enjoyed being in a big city again after a few weeks without one. And we rented a […]


Hawaii – Part 2: Oahu

Hawaii – Part 2: Oahu

After five weeks on the Big Island of Hawaii, it was time to say goodbye. Before flying all the way to South Korea, though, I squeezed in a few days on Oahu, another Hawaiian island, since my flight connection went through Honolulu anyways. I was quite active during these 5 days: went all the way up to the North Shore, took the bus that goes along the coast around half the island to get back to Honolulu. I walked up Diamond Head, went swimming on Waikiki Beach, explored downtown Honolulu and some less touristy spots than Waikiki, and had coffee at pretty much every specialty coffee shop in town.
